Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekly Challenge #87: String Theory v. XII: Pinwheels for Peace v. II

This week's challenge over at The Diva's is to create your own pinwheel for peace.  My personal challenge was to create something that did not use my "usual tangles", i.e.: mooka, 'nzeppel, flux, tipple, tripoli, etc., etc.  

So, I started with one of my favorites which doesn't really get much use: Betweed.  (Those inner triangles were just screaming out for some Betweed.)  And then, I wanted something flowy (because I like that.)  So, I added this modified Ixorus.  I like how it came out.  Then, I wanted the flow to continue.  I usually can't help myself with the flowy stuff, so I let the Ixorus continue flowing off of the pinwheel in two directions.  I stopped there, and left it as is.  

In the end, it is understated and perhaps a bit plain even, but it says "peace", "live and let live" and "changing seasons of life" to me.  Interestingly, as I was drawing this tangle this morning, I could not help but think about the things that I do not feel peaceful about in my life.  People, from present and past, came to mind.  Hopes of reconciliation.  Fear of reaching out only to be rebuked.  I will continue to meditate about these things, and potential resolutions.  

I think people from the past that I haven't seen in 20 years are probably best left there, with perhaps a sincere prayer of blessing said in their honor.  People from the present probably deserve an apology or other appropriate "olive branch" type of gesture, depending upon the situation.  So that just leaves one thing left: Courage.  

I accidentally used my "03" Pigma Micron this morning.  oops.  Funny thing is, I can't really tell the difference. 

doodling with Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses.  


  1. Very nice zendala, the extensions are fascinating. I also like the red pinwheel.

  2. I agree with Dilip and Chrissie. The extensions are great. The used tangles are wunderful. The red one is gorgeous too.

    Great :)

  3. really love how you have continued the pattern out from the pinwheel. lovely!

  4. Both are very nice! You already showed courage in recognizing tose things, that's more then most people do. So, I'm sure you will find the courage for the second step too!

  5. I love the "flowy" one and I love that it flows off the page. I always have such trouble going outside the box. I'm inspired when I see it done...and so well.

    1. Thank you! That is so kind of you to say!

  6. Really love the flowy Ixorus and the warm and bright color of the second one!

  7. Perfection! So beautiful it sings!
