For me, Mooka + Assunta = a. hot. mess.
But, for what it's worth, I decided to venture into the
Diva's Weekly Challenge anyway. Why? Because, Assunta is a completely new pattern for me, and I actually tried to spend some time working with it. In the end, I went simpler and tried to utilize shading, a
Zentangle skill that I rarely employ. I found that shading can really enhance a drawing without needing to "add" anything else to it. Sometimes, with Zentangle, I think the tangle looks too plain, so I keep adding to it, but the end result looks "busy" which I don't care for.
I learned a few things this week, and while my art project isn't the prettiest one in the class, I made a sincere effort.
For the challenge:
I think it has a little bit of a celtic knot "feel" to it. |
Other attempts:
Busy. Busy. Busy. |
Vintage Camera fun:
love the sparkles. |
All of these tangles were drawn in my Clairefontaine Graf-It sketchbook with a Sakura Pigma Micron.